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Adding references 

You may add references to your EndNote Library via a number of different sources and methods. The common feature to look for when adding references to your EndNote Library is the terminology or symbols that may be used to indicate how to do this. Here are some examples of words used:

  • export
  • save
  • cite
  • send to
  • RIS

This module will specifically address how to add references to your EndNote Library via Google Scholar and Databases.

LibrarySearch is RMIT University Library’s search engine and another source that you can use to continue your literature search. The library guide for EndNote has step-by-step instructions on how to add references from LibrarySearch to your EndNote Library.

Web capture tool. While not offered using EndNote Desktop, a web capture tool is available if you sync your library to EndNote Online. Capture can scan the bibliographic details stored on a web page and create a pre-filled reference. The library guide for EndNote guide has step-by-step instructions on how to add references using the web capture tool to your EndNote Library.

Manual entry of references. There may be instances where adding the details of your reference manually is needed. Options of exporting the reference or using thweb capture tool may not be available. The library guide for EndNote has step-by-step instructions on the ‘manual input’ of references. 

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