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Choosing a relevant journal

There are a range of methods and tools that can be used to identify relevant journals to publish your research in. These include:

  • Asking your supervisor or colleagues for advice on appropriate publications
  • Look at the publications you’re reading and citing in your work
  • View journal lists, which categorise publications into broad subject areas, and often include rankings and citation metrics
  • Search scholarly databases for research articles on your topic to view journals that are publishing research in your area
  • Review recent Calls for Papers (CFPs) through websites, databases and newsletters



Identify relevant journals by searching a scholarly database for research articles on your topic:

  1. Go to the Scopus database
  2. Search for your topic
  3. In the results, look at the Source titles (left hand side)
  4. Write down one or two titles with the highest number of articles in your topic area.

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