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Your ORCID iD is a unique number that identifies you as a researcher. ORCID iDs are commonly requested when you submit manuscripts to be published, or submit conference papers. You may also be required to provide this ID when applying for research funding. Once you create an ORCID iD you can use it to bring together all of your identifiers, profiles and publications in one place in your ORCID record.


Watch this video to discover more about ORCID iDs and the benefit of creating one for yourself.

What is ORCID? (4:17 min) by ORCID (Vimeo)


When watching the What is ORCID video makes some notes about what information an ORCID record can contain.

Did you note the following activities?

  • Publishing a paper
  • Releasing a dataset
  • Applying for or receiving research grants

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