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LibrarySearch is RMIT University Library’s search engine and an important place to continue your literature search.

Make sure to Log in to LibrarySearch as some resources are only available when you log in.

You can use LibrarySearch to retrieve a wide variety of materials:

  • Books and E-books
  • Journal and newspaper articles
  • DVDs and streaming video
  • Theses and more


Watch this video for a brief introduction to ‘What is LibrarySearch?

What is LibrarySearch? (1:07 mins) by RMIT University (YouTube)

LibrarySearch is particularly good for:

  • Getting an overview of the Library’s physical and online collections
  • Finding  “something” on a topic
  • You can also use the Refine features to narrow your results, for example, to peer reviewed journals or to a subject area or a date range.

LibrarySearch does not provide an even coverage of subject area. Specialised subject databases in business, architecture, psychology, legal and fashion are not covered by LibrarySearch.

As a research student you will also need to search specialist library databases. We will be looking at these databases later in this module. Let’s take a closer look at how to use Library Search effectively for your literature search.

The results in Library Search will often show different types of material, including online resources.

There are refine options in the menu on the left, including:

  • Peer reviewed articles, full text online
  • Resource type – articles, books etc.
  • Subject
  • Date range

To access full text for online material eg. e-books or journal articles, you click on ‘Online Access’ link at the item record.


Go to Library Search and search using keywords for your own research topic (this link will open in a new tab).

Locate a peer reviewed article on your topic and access the full text.

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