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Are you being cited?


“Fame is easy to acquire; impact is much more difficult.” – ― Hans Rosling


Welcome to this online module Are you being cited?

The number of times your work has been cited by other academics and writers is one indication of your research impact. However, there are other qualitative measures of the value and impact of your research. This module will introduce you to both the traditional and non-traditional ways of measuring research impact.

Completing this module will help you:

  • understand the concept of academic research impact
  • become familiar with traditional and non-traditional measures of impact (ie. academic and societal)
  • understand how academic research impact can be measured
  • identify and use databases and other online services to track bibliometrics to measure academic research impact

As well as the content in this module, you will have access to all the tools and topics discussed in the online guide Research Metrics.


You may also be interested in viewing the following webinar, recorded from the Library’s ‘PhD Up!’ program, which complements this online module:

We really hope you find this module useful. Please let us know what you think via the feedback form at the end.

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