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Managing yourself and your research


Welcome to this module, Managing yourself and your research.  

One of the best things about undertaking a research degree is the intellectual independence of your workThis requires you to become your own boss to manage yourself and your research. This module will help you to identify strategies to effectively manage your workload, supervisor relationships and stress levels throughout your research degree. We will cover tips for managing your time and maintaining motivation – two key tools you’ll need throughout your research journey.  

If you are starting out as a research student, this module will help you to set up the foundations of a good working relationship with your research. Check out this advice from previous research students about starting your research degree.  

You can work your way through the module in sequence by using the Next and Back links at the bottom of each page. Alternatively, you can use the menu at the top of the screen to skip to a section. 


You may be interested in this following webinar Getting Started with Your Research (40 mins) recorded from the Library’s ‘PhD Up!’ program.


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