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Editing your Word document

If you are doing a substantial amount of editing in a particular document, such as copying and pasting sections and moving text around, it is a good idea to use the Convert to Unformatted Citations option before making these changes. You can also use this process when merging documents.

The option to Convert to Unformatted Citations option is found in the Convert Citations and Bibliography menu option. The image below shows this option highlighted.

Image: EndNote menu in Microsoft Word. Used under terms and conditions of the vendor licence.

Make your edits to your document while the citations are unformatted. They will look like the example below.

e.g. {Pettigrew, 1985 #640}

Once your editing is complete you can restore the full citation details by selecting Update Citations and Bibliography and the references will be converted back to EndNote format.

e.g. (Pettigrew, 1985).

Merging thesis chapters

When merging separate documents or chapters into a single document the process includes the following steps:

  1. Convert your chapters to have unformatted citations
  2. Merge the unformatted chapters into one document
  3. Reformat the document by selecting the option Update Citations and Bibliography.

Best Practice Tip

It is considered good practice when using EndNote to create separate documents for each chapter of your thesis. This is to avoid any potential issues that might be caused by using EndNote with a very large document. When you are ready to submit your thesis and need to merge the chapters into a single document follow the process outlined above.

You can find further details on this process in the EndNote for your thesis document that you can download at the end of this module.

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